Monday, May 25, 2020

Business Management Analysis of It Is not in Mans Nature to Maximize Statement Free Essay Example, 2500 words

Today the issue of the diversification is a hot subject in the business circuit. What is diversification? Through it, the different businesses try to expand their business. What is an expansion? It is the will to maximize. Then can the statement like It is not in man s nature to maximize be true? No matter what the product is, diversification has always been on the agenda. For example, those who are selling chocolates are diversifying in the field of biscuits and other related or unrelated products. Those who are selling magazines wish to launch targeted new editions. They try to offer demographic selectivity to the customers. Apart from their regular issues, they try to take out demographic editions like editions for the affluent readers, for health-conscious people, for those who love traveling, for 60 plus people etc. These are just examples of two products opting for maximization of their products and naturally their profits. There are thousands of products on the market. Eve ry business is adopting some of the other agenda of expansion. Hence using the path of maximization everyone is trying to maximize the positive implications of their businesses. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Management: Analysis of It Is not in Mans Nature to Maximize Statement or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page In business, different marketing tools like repositioning a product or promoting a product in a better way might not increase the profits but certainly improve the revenue status. These are all examples of the man s nature to maximize.

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